Oil Cleansing 101
Oil cleansing is nothing new. It’s actually an ancient method of cleansing that dates back to the Romans! What’s amazing about this gentle method is that it deep cleans while helping your skin’s delicate microbiome stay intact. So often, people end up stripping their skin of its natural oils (aka sebum) with harsh chemicals and sudsy surfactants. While this bubble bath on your face may seem fun, you’re actually stripping your skin! Which, in turn, tells your body to overproduce said sebum creating an oily mess! Then you wash, extra oil returns…it’s a vicious cycle. Instead of this, you can do as the Romans did, and cleanse with oil.
But isn’t oil bad for your skin, like you said?
Well, yes and no. Your skin makes oil to keep it protected and moisturized. But when we strip those oils and your body reacts by overproducing said oil, which then clogs your pores, it isn’t so great. Remember chemistry class? Yeah, me neither. However, I do remember that ‘like bonds with like’. Meaning oil and water (your old cleanser) don’t mix. Oil and oil, however, do!
Oil cleansing is using good oils like Pumpkin Seed Oil aka “Green Gold” and Jojoba Oil, which is said to be closest to what your body naturally produces, to bond to, and dissolve away the bad oils. We use these good oils, infused with powerful Manuka and Tea Tree, to melt away dirt, makeup and excess oil to gently purify your skin. This combination is designed to deeply penetrate and cleanse while leaving you with touchably soft, healthy looking skin.
How Do I Cleanse With Oil?
I am so excited for you to experience this! Oil Cleansing can be VERY satisfying and relaxing. I try to remind myself to slow down, breath, and really focus on what I am doing and feeling. It can be a calming, almost meditative, experience. If you can turn your routines into something you actually enjoy doing as opposed to something you 'have' to do, why wouldn't you?! Okay, lets get down to biz here...
You'll need:
- STILL ORGANICS Cleansing Oil
- Wash Cloth
- Hot Water
1. Pump 3-5 full pumps onto your fingertips. Warm between fingers and massage into DRY skin on face. I usually spend about a full minute massaging. While you're doing this, the oils are bonding with your skins excess sebum, dirt and make up. Not only are the Cleansing Oils themselves beneficial for your skin, but the massaging motion will help relax your facial muscles while stimulating your circulation which is great for your overall glow. If you are wearing mascara, massage your face first, then add an extra pump to your fingers and massage your eyes until you have nice, big, black circles around your eyes! One thing you'll notice is that you can open your eyes throughout this process. Being that there is no soap, you should not feel any irritation.
2. After you're good and oiled up, grab a clean wash cloth and get it nice and hot. You don't want to burn your skin off, but once it's hot, wring it out, tilt your head back, place the hot towel on your face and gently press with your hands. We want to try and steam open your pores. During this time I like to take some slow, deep breaths in and out. Sometimes I like to let my vocal chords go as well on the exhale, "Ahhhhhh!" I like to leave the steamy wash cloth on my face for about 30 seconds, or just until it cools off. Then comes my favorite part: the exfoliating scrub! I like to use both hands and slowly move the wash cloth up and down while turning the focus of your fingers to different pressure points and areas of your face. Temples and sinuses are some of my favorites but make sure your wiping your entire face clean of the oils and all the other gunk coming along with them. As before, I work on my face first and eyes last. You'll love how easily your eye makeup melts off!
3. That's it! You're clean! If you feel like incorporating an at home facial treatment or exfoliating with our BUFF Cleansing Grains, this would be your next step. Always apply your masks and treatments to clean skin so they can do their work properly.
4. Follow with a toner like our BARE Daily Exfoliating Toner. Note: you may notice more of a tingle if you use this toner directly after a manual exfoliation like the BUFF grains. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to skip the toner when using another exfoliant.
5. Apply your Bi-Phase Skin Elixir and/or MUSE Serum. You want to massage until the serum is fully absorbed. We want those powerful oils IN your skin as opposed to just sitting on top of your skin.
There you have it! Your skin should feel perfectly cleansed and moisturized without feeling oily or dry, and YOU should feel pretty amazing right about now!